I think this is kind of unusual, but this is what I came to. I have a .net application that generates html + js page. I have a thing called Unit that is kind of assembly of different html elements and has artificial events onlaod and onunload.
function DisplayableUnit(content, onload_js, onunload_js)
this.onload_js = onload_js; //different functions calls like "f1(); f2();"
this.onunload_js = onunload_js;
this.content = content; //string of html tags
function loadUnitTo(elem_id, unit)
var elem = document.getElementById(elem_id);
if (elem)
elem.innerHTML = unit.content;
if (unit.onload_js)
;//how to execute it?
Many sites says that eval is bad and unsafe thing. But is that the only choice? I need pure JS solution without any third party things.
You can execute it as a function like this:
var theInstructions = "alert('Hello World'); var x = 100",
F=new Function (theInstructions);
Copied from this stackoverflow thread ;)