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Can I create a new class in Sublime text 2?

I have a question. I am learning C++ with Bucky's C++ Programming Tutorials on youtube. I am on the 15th video, and in that video he uses CodeBlocks to place his classes in a separate folder by going to "File/New/Class" a popup menu appears and it automatically creates a .h and a .cpp file setup with the class you want.

I want to know if I can create a new class just like that in sublime text 2. Or if there is a plugin for doing so.

Im very sorry if the title is misleading at all, but that was really the only way I could think of to word it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Also: My operating system is OSX Mavericks.


  • I don't think Sublime has this option as it is not a a IDE but rather a fancy text editor, even though I guess some people use it as an IDE. I would recommend using qtcreator or code::blocks. However if you are new to programming it is a good exercise to learn how to link your classes from scratch, and not have them linked and compiled for you with 2 mouse clicks.