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nested QMap in qt

I am trying to use this code in my QT app


but there is a build problem it says

C:/****/****/****/***/domparser.h:14: error: type/value mismatch at argument 2 in template parameter list for 'template<class Key, class T> class QMap'


  • QMap is a template class, so you need to specify the type of the inner QMap like this :

    QMap<String, QMap<QString, int> > myMap;

    Note the space between the '>'s otherwise the C++ lexer thinks its the >> operator.


    If you intended to try to store a generic QMap as the value type, rather than a concrete instance of QMap, within your outer map, you can't!

    You cannot have something like QMap, because QMap itself is not a type, its a template - it only names a type when the template parameters are specified