To be more detailed here: They are TIFF images, have one path - which is a clipping path - but still have their background, for some reasons.
There are hundreds of them so I cant just open it and select path -> make selection -> invert selection -> fill selection with white color..
I tried doing a Photoshop action which I could use as a action available at the batch processing mode. It didnt work, seem to be to sophisticated for the "action" module or I did it wrong.
Also tried to make a script for "ImageMagick" which worked - after I finally had the right parameters - for many pictures, but interestingly not for all - altough they are all made the same. All clipping paths from Adode Photoshop, saved as TIFF pictures.
If someone is a pro in ImageMagick I can post this script here and you may comment if I did something wrong here.
Hope someone can help. Please only possibilities which are free of cost like ImageMagick or can be done with Photoshop itself!
I am also in scripting with Python or Shellscript for example, anything based on that is also okay - but I searched for libraries and found nothing for Python :/
Clipping path doesn't change image representation in Photoshop: it only affects when you place it in inDesign/Illustrator/etc.
But if you still want to fill everything outside the clipping path with white you can use this script:
(function() {
var sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog("choose folder");
fileList = sourceFolder.getFiles("*.tif");
for (i = 0; i < fileList.length;i++) {
var doc = activeDocument;
try {
var workPath = activeDocument.pathItems[0].name
} catch (e) {
var white = new SolidColor;
white.gray.gray = 0;
function loadSelection(name) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty(c2t("Chnl"), c2t("fsel"));
desc.putReference(c2t("null"), ref);
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putName(c2t("Path"), name);
desc.putReference(c2t("T "), ref1);
desc.putInteger(c2t("Vrsn"), 1);
desc.putBoolean(s2t("vectorMaskParams"), true);
executeAction(c2t("setd"), desc, DialogModes.NO);
function c2t(c) {
return charIDToTypeID(c)
function s2t(c) {
return stringIDToTypeID(c)