Is it possible to calculate a SHA1 hash by feeding chunks to the rep xsha1
VIA's Padlock programming guide shows an example of calculating the SHA1 hash of a file, but it loads the entire file into memory before calling the hash instruction.
I also don't see any info regarding calculating SHA hashes in chunks. One may assume that, because you need to initialise the output buffer values, that just simply calling rep xsha1
again without reinitialising them may work, however after testing, this doesn't seem to be the case (I'm feeding it blocks of 64 bytes if that matters).
I don't know the internals of how SHA1 hashing works, but I'm guessing that there's a finalisation step which you need to somehow stop the hardware doing if loading the data in chunks.
Does anyone know of an efficient way to calculate a SHA1 hash in chunks?
Depends on the CPU. On VIA Nano and later, you can perform partial hashes by setting EAX to FFFFFFFF before executing the REP XSHA1/256 instruction - and the CPU won't perform the final padding (so you can simply feed the chunks into the hash, just as you usually do with hashing functions). On older models (up to C7), such a possibility is not present, EAX has to be set to zero before the hash instruction, and a full hash (i.e. including the final padding) is performed.
I successfully implemented the hack mentioned above (on Windows) and it worked [tested on VIA Nano with EAX=0 though, don't have access to an old CPU]. But yes, there's a performance penalty here, so you don't want to feed tiny chunks into the code. I suggest to buffer small chunks into a bigger buffer, say a few kilobytes, and only then perform the "interrupted hash". If you finish with less data than that, it may be better to fall back to ordinary x86 code.
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I'm afraid I can't share my code, but I suggest to google for "" That's the official Via source containing the relevant functions (look e.g. inside PadlockSDK_3.1_Release_20090121\PadlockSDK_3.1_build20081128\sdk\src - there's the assembly implementation of asm_partial_sha1_op3() function).