I would like to sum (marginalize) over one level in a series with a 3-level multiindex to produce a series with a 2 level multiindex. For example, if I have the following:
ind = [tuple(x) for x in ['ABC', 'ABc', 'AbC', 'Abc', 'aBC', 'aBc', 'abC', 'abc']]
mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(ind)
data = pd.Series([264, 13, 29, 8, 152, 7, 15, 1], index=mi)
A B C 264
c 13
b C 29
c 8
a B C 152
c 7
b C 15
c 1
I would like to sum over the C
variables to produce the following output:
A B 277
b 37
a B 159
b 16
What is the best way in Pandas to do this?
If you know you always want to aggregate over the first two levels, then this is pretty easy:
In [27]: data.groupby(level=[0, 1]).sum()
A B 277
b 37
a B 159
b 16
dtype: int64