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How to install PHPExcel in symfony2.5 using netbeans

I am facing problem with PHPExcel installation in symfony2.5.

I have downloaded PHPExcel directory from GitHub and I dont know the configuration steps. as I am beginner I would need complete steps to understand the complete installation process,

Please help me regarding this,

Thanks in advance.


  • You can add it to your composer.json or require it with composer (php composer.phar require "phpoffice/phpexcel:1.8.0) like most other php packages which will then add it to the class loader meaning you can just use it like \PHPExcel_....

    The available packages for it are on packagist.

    If you are wanting to use the classes from a version that you have downloaded you can add them to your src directory and they will be autoloaded there through the default autoload setting.

    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": { "": "src/"}