I have successfully implemented the NSURLSessionUploadTask and work in both background and foreground. But there is an issue when reading the response data.
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data{
NSLog(@"1 DATA:\n%@\nEND DATA\n", [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
[self.responseData appendData:data];
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"AT THE END DATA:\n%@\nEND DATA\n", [[NSString alloc] initWithData: self.responseData encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
[self parsingJSONResponse:self.responseData];
} else {
NSLog(@"HTTP uploading error : %@", error);
These are the outputs for above two NSLogs
1 DATA: {"success":true,"data":[{"uuid":"8BE7DF37-9DA1-44D2-B48C-D012F699A9B1","id":266626},{"uuid":"3406D865-1A41-4FC6-BA0B-0638F17757CC","id":266656}],"errors":[],"entityName":"LeadProfile"} END DATA
AT THE END DATA: {"success":true,"data":[{"uuid":"8BE7DF37-9DA1-44D2-B48C-D012F699A9B1","id":266626},{"uuid":"3406D865-1A41-4FC6-BA0B-0638F17757CC","id":266656}],"errors":[],"entityName":"LeadProfile"}{"success":true,"data":[{"uuid":"8BE7DF37-9DA1-44D2-B48C-D012F699A9B1","id":266626},{"uuid":"3406D865-1A41-4FC6-BA0B-0638F17757CC","id":266656}],"errors":[],"entityName":"LeadProfile"} END DATA
I wonder why this is giving me two different responses for one upload task. How the self.responseData
can be different in each location ?
Is anyone think this is because of the reason mention on Apple website? (Because the NSData object is often pieced together from a number of different data objects, whenever possible, use NSData’s enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock: method to iterate through the data rather than using the bytes method (which flattens the NSData object into a single memory block)developer.apple.com
I have found a way to overcome this. But this might not be a proper answer.
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data{
//Get Hex string from 'data'. There can be a solution directly add bytes to NSData (using 'enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock') rather than convert to Hex string
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:data.length * 3];
[data enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock:^(const void *bytes, NSRange byteRange, BOOL *stop){
for (NSUInteger offset = 0; offset < byteRange.length; ++offset) {
uint8_t byte = ((const uint8_t *)bytes)[byteRange.location + offset];
if (string.length == 0)
[string appendFormat:@"%02X", byte];
[string appendFormat:@" %02X", byte];
//Hex string to NSdata
NSString *command = string;
command = [command stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@""];
NSMutableData *commandToSend= [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
unsigned char whole_byte;
char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
for (int i = 0; i < ([command length] / 2); i++) {
byte_chars[0] = [command characterAtIndex:i*2];
byte_chars[1] = [command characterAtIndex:i*2+1];
whole_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
[commandToSend appendBytes:&whole_byte length:1];
NSLog(@"1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[commandToSend bytes]]);