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Nested Resource Creation in Parent Form

I have a class called Quote which has_many :line_items, as: :line_itemable (line_items are polymorphic). A quote must have at least one line_item upon creation, so in my Quote creation form I have a section dedicated to adding line items. My routes look like this:

resources :quotes, shallow: true do
  resources :line_items

which means my routes look like this:

                     POST  /quotes/:quote_id/line_items(.:format)      line_items#create
new_quote_line_item  GET   /quotes/:quote_id/line_items/new(.:format)  line_items#new

In the line items section of the quote form I have a button that, when clicked, links to the new_quote_line_item controller action to render a line_item creation modal. My issue is that since the quote hasn't been created yet it doesn't have :quote_id to use in the path. How can I go about achieving this the Rails Way™? I was considering using ajax but I'm not sure if that is overkill for this situation. Thanks for your help!


  • Ajax

    You wouldn't need ajax functionality for this - Ajax only allows you to pull data from the server asynchronously, which essentially means you don't have to reload the page.


    Nested Attributes

    What you're looking for, as alluded to by atomAltera sounds like accepts_nested_attributes_for - which allows you to create dependent models from the parent

    It sounds to me that you'll need to create a quote before you try and populate line_items, which is actually quite simple using ActiveRecord:

    Class Quote < ActiveRecord::Base
       has_many :line_items
       accepts_nested_attributes_for :line_items
    Class QuotesController < ApplicationController
        def new
           @quote =
        def create
           @quote =
        def quote_params
            params.require(:quote).permit(:quote, :attributes, :new, line_items_attributes: [:line, :items, :attributes])


    If you need any further information, please let me know!!