When i implement the Hashable protocol. a equatable protocol function is needed to be defined outside the class as follow. As follow.
func ==(lhs: Swap, rhs: Swap) -> Bool {
return (lhs.cookieA == rhs.cookieA && lhs.cookieB == rhs.cookieB) ||
(lhs.cookieB == rhs.cookieA && lhs.cookieA == rhs.cookieB)
class Swap: Printable,Hashable {
var cookieA: Cookie
var cookieB: Cookie
init(cookieA: Cookie, cookieB: Cookie) {
self.cookieA = cookieA
self.cookieB = cookieB
var hashValue: Int {
return cookieA.hashValue ^ cookieB.hashValue
var description: String {
return "swap \(cookieA) with \(cookieB)"
It is just a bit weird for me. In the above example func == should be belong to the class Swap. So why we need to declare the func == outside the class??
Mainly because it's a function and not a method. Functions are independent on classes so it makes no sense to scope them inside class declarations.
The protocol could have been designed with methods, e.g. using a obj1.isEqualTo(obj2)
method but a function is less sensitive to nil
problems. If obj1
were nil
, the method would fail.