(Xcode6-beta3, Swift, iOS8, iPad)
In an iPad split-view controller, how do I link the Master View Controller to the Detail View Controller?
In other words, when the user taps on an item on the left, how do I change the view on the right?
I know that in didSelectRowAtIndexPath, I need to call a method... but how do I call a method in the Detail View Controller from the Master View Controller?
Imagine an app to display information on different types of cheeses. We begin by dragging a split-view controller onto the storyboard. A table of items in the master view on the left is set up to read as follows.
On the right, there is simply a Web View inside of the detail view controller, named cheeseViewController
. Therein, HTML documents about the selected cheese will be displayed.
An IBOutlet is wired from the web view into cheeseViewController
, and a method named 'changeCheese' is set up in the Detail View Controller delegate to swap out the document.
How can I make a tap on "Cheddar" change the information in the detail view?
EDIT: Do I have to modify my AppDelegate.swift file? Using a Master-Detail template, I tried the following, with no luck:
func application(application: UIApplication!, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: NSDictionary!) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
let splitViewController = self.window!.rootViewController as UISplitViewController
let navigationController = splitViewController.viewControllers[splitViewController.viewControllers.count-1] as UINavigationController
splitViewController.delegate = navigationController.topViewController as Paragraph
return true
I hope I understood your problem correctly: You would like to show the detail information of a selected cheese in your Detailview.
When you create a new Master-Detail-View application in XCode 6 Beta 3, there will be a variable called "detailItem" in your DetailViewController.Swift file:
var detailItem: AnyObject? {
You set this detailItem in your MasterViewController.Swift file in the following function:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryBoardSegue, sender: AnyObject?){
if segue.identifier == "yourSegueIdentifier" {
let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow()
let cheeese = yourCheeseArrayWithDetailInformation[indexPath.row]
(segue.destinationViewController as DetailViewController).detailItem = cheeese
(Assuming, that you have linked the views with a segue with the identifier: "yourSegueIdentifier" and an array of detailinfo called "yourCheeseArrayWithDetailInformation")
The above mentioned function "configureView" in the DetailView can now access your detailItem, which contains the contents of "cheeese"
I hope this helps you.