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Excel Force Calculation

I have a cell that is evaluated by


computing the percent error between two cells that the user inputs. Additionally, I have an IFC on a seperate sheet that is validating this cell, among other cells, and setting it to a certain color with a warning if the percent error value is above/below a certain number. The problem is that the cell does not show the warning unless I click on it and hit enter (or F2 + Enter), which calculates the cell and populates the value at that time. Is there a way to Force the calculation to occur in that cell when the user inputs values into J41 and J40, thus populating the warning immediately? I have checked multiple threads on this, some say use the Application.Volatile statement, but I am not too sure if that will work..

Any suggestions?


  • Manually calculating a range is as simple as using Range.Calculate. To run code when a value is changed in a certain range, use Worksheet_Change.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim rngTrigger As Range: Set rngTrigger = Range("D5")
        Dim rngTarget As Range: Set rngTarget = Range("E5")
        If Not Intersect(Target, rngTrigger) Is Nothing Then _
    End Sub