Search code examples

Lucene query on @indexedEmbedded objects id

Im trying to use a to fetch all entries with a Object @indexedEmbedded with a certain @id id. This simply does not work with my current code. My code as follows:

The Search

FullTextSession fullTextSession = getFullTextSession();
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(Request.class).get(); query = queryBuilder.keyword()

FullTextQuery fullTextQuery = fullTextSession
                .createFullTextQuery(query, Request.class);

return fullTextQuery.list();


public class Request etc etc..

    private Keyword keyword;


public class Keyword etc etc..

    private Long id;

I don't receive any errors when executing this code, the result just isn't restricted to the Request objects with a keyword with the supplied id.

I use this in junction with a later on, but even when trying this itself it doesn't work. I'm aware that this might be the wrong approach so any suggestions would be appreciated.



  • The indexing properties was not set properly, the index of the request class was simply not indexed as it should have been. Added following code to fix the misstake:

    <property name="hibernateProperties">
            <prop key="">/var/lucene/indexes</prop>
            <prop key="">filesystem</prop>
            <prop key="">LUCENE_CURRENT</prop>