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Multipeer Connectivity range and non ios device

I just started coding Multipeer connectivity with objective c in xcode. I have a few questions about the basics.

  1. What is the range with Multipeer Connectivity? So if I make a chat program, will the two devices only be able to communicate if they are on the wifi network, or will they still be able to communicate if they are across the globe?

  2. Will the program work with an ios device and a non ios device, so they can send each other messages? If yes, are there any extra methods or code that I need to add?



    1. As far as I understand MPC works over bluetooth and wifi- so if you are on a home wifi network, or a University campus network, your peers should be able to see one another. MPCis not for using across the globe that I know of...

    2. This is an iOS technology only, iBeacon works across multiple platforms (iOS, android).

    But, depending on what you want, you could make your app use internet to go across the globe, and you might be able to use straight bluetooth to connecto to a non-iOS device, then hook into MPC.