I've been playing around with Transfuse (http://androidtransfuse.org/) and am now trying to tackle SharedPreferences
. The documentation makes this seem pretty straight forward:
public class Example{
@Inject @Preference(value = "favorite_color", default = "green")
String favColor;
However, as I understand it, SharedPreferences
are retrieved by name, not just by key. So, how does Transfuse know the name of the SharedPreferences
file I'm trying to access?
I've tried something like this to no avail:
public class MainActivity{
public static final String PREF_NAME = "pref_name";
android.app.Activity mActivity;
@Inject @Preference(value = PREF_NAME, defaultValue = "")
String mPreference;
@Inject @View(R.id.preference)
EditText mPreferenceEditText;
android.view.View.OnClickListener mSavePrefListener = new android.view.View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(android.view.View v) {
String val = mPreferenceEditText.getText().toString();
mActivity.getSharedPreferences("the_shared_prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
.putString(PREF_NAME, val)
private void displayPrefText(){
Thanks for your help!
The @Preference
injection uses the PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences()
method (as CommonsWare suggested) to look up the SharedPreferences
object. This is a convenience for using the default preferences directly. Your example would basically generate the following injection:
delegate.favColor = activity.getDefaultSharedPreferences()
.getString("favorite_color", "green");
If you like, you can set up Transfuse to inject a specific SharedPreferences object via a Provider
or @Provides
method and qualifier:
class Module{
@Provides @Named("the_shared_prefs")
public SharedPreferences build(Activity activity){
return activity.getSharedPreferences("the_shared_prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
Which you could then inject into your activity like so:
public class MainActivity{
public static final String PREF_NAME = "pref_name";
@Inject @Named("the_shared_prefs")
SharedPreferences theSharedPreferences;
@Inject @View(R.id.preference)
EditText mPreferenceEditText;
android.view.View.OnClickListener mSavePrefListener = new android.view.View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(android.view.View v) {
String val = mPreferenceEditText.getText().toString();
.putString(PREF_NAME, val)
We may want to expand the @Preference
injection to allow you to specify a non-default shared preferences. Would this help?