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How arbitrary is one?

My teacher says our homework program must handle "an arbitrary number of input lines". It seems pretty arbitrary to only accept one line, but is it arbitrary enough? My roommate said seven is more a arbitrary number than one, and maybe he's right. But I just have no idea how to measure the arbitrariness of a number and Google doesn't seem to help.


It sounds like maybe the best thing to do is accepty any given number of input lines, and hope the prof can see that that makes a lot more sense than insisting that the user just give you one specific arbitrary number of input lines. Especially since we weren't instructed to notify the user about what the arbitrary number is. You can't just make the user guess, that's crazy.


  • "Arbitrary" doesn't mean you get to pick a random number to accept. It means that it should handle an input with any number of lines.

    So if someone decides to give your program an input with 0 lines, 1 line, 2 lines... n lines, then it should still do the right thing (and not crash).