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In Android, is there a way to set flags/ broadcast receivers to affect other applications?

working on an idea for an app but research is proving difficult to get a straight answer on the subject so I wanted to ask the experts.

What I want to know it, is there a way within your written code to have a direct effect on other applications?

3 Examples (To try and make it more clear):

1) Adjust something in my app so that whenever I open up an app that starts with N (IE Netflix) the media volume turns to max, or the wifi turns on.

2) Adjust something in my app so that whenever I receive an email to my yahoo account (using the yahoo mail app) a toast comes up that says, "DANGER WILL ROBINSON!".

3) Adjust something in my app so that whenever I open up the application facebook, a notification bar icon appears.

Essentially, I am trying to change something within the phone (a Setting, a toast, whatever) whenever another app is opened up via my application's code.

Ideas? Can this be done? Thanks for the help all!


  • You need to add intent-filter in your BroadcastReceiver of your application. Since onReceive() is always triggered by ACTION but not the name of an app, I think you have to find a specific action in an app which you can use to start your own app. Check system standard ACTIONs here. Hope it helps you.