I am trying to monitor the state of deployments on managed servers in a domain , using wlst.
I am using Weblogic 10.3
Here is what I have so far :
applnRtStEuntimeBean = cmo.getAppRuntimeStateRuntime()
for server in servers:
serverName = server.getName()
applns = server.getApplicationRuntimes();
for appln in applns:
print 'Application Name #', appln.getApplicationName()
print 'Applican Current State #', applnRtStEuntimeBean.getCurrentState(appName,serverName)
print 'Applican Intended State #', applnRtStEuntimeBean.getIntendedState(appName)
This gives me the current state of all applications irrespective of its "type" . Is there a way one can filter applications by its type using wlst ?
For instance I only want to check state of "Enterprise Application" and "Web Application" and ignore all "Library"
I have looked at the MBeans Java docs but I don't see anything that can get me the application type.
For your reference application name , type , health and state are listed in the "Deployment" page on the admin console.
Appreciate your feedback/suggestions/comments !!
Mohan Yes you can filter out that in two step. You can use if condition inside the for loop and 'continue' for ignore when the library file encountered.
wls:/offline> for s in applname:
... if s.endswith('jar'):
... print 'ignore'
... continue
... print s
# do your task of monitoring here
Note that you must follow correct indentation for each block here. HTH