what i want:
run dalekjs-tests on saucelabs with grunt
what i did:
installed grunt-dalek, dalek-driver-sauce
created grunt config:
dalek: {
options: {
driver: ['sauce'],
browser: ['chrome'],
advanced: {
"driver.sauce": {
user: "xxx",
key: "xxx"
what my problem is
Warning: Cannot read property '0' of null Use --force to continue.
finally i had some time to dig deeper into this. the error came from dalek-driver-sauce.
Function _verfiyBrowserConfig inside browser.js caused the problem.
var browser = browsers[0][browserName] || null;
in my config i was missing the browsers property.
the dalek-driver-sauce docs are kind of misleading there:
if you would like to have a more control over the browser/OS combinations that are available, you are able to configure you custom combinations
the browsers config inside advanced-config is mandatory!
a final working grunt-config looked like this:
dalek: {
options: {
driver: ['sauce'],
advanced: {
"driver.sauce": {
user: "xxx",
key: "xxx"
browsers: [{
chrome: {
"platform": "OS X 10.6",
"actAs": "chrome",
"version": 27
mytest: ['test.js']