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sum function vs long addition

I am wondering if the sum() builtin has an andventage over a long addition ?


sum(filter(None, [a, b, c, d]))

faster than

a + b + c + d

assuming I am using CPython ?


EDIT: What if those variables are Decimals ?


  • A quick example (note that, to try to be fairer, the sum version takes a tuple argument, so you don't include the time for building that structure (a, b, c, d), and doesn't include the unnecessary filter):

    >>> import timeit
    >>> def add_up(a, b, c, d):
        return a + b + c + d
    >>> def sum_up(t):
        return sum(t)
    >>> t = (1, 2, 3, 4)
    >>> timeit.timeit("add_up(1, 2, 3, 4)", setup="from __main__ import sum_up, add_up, t")
    >>> timeit.timeit("sum_up(t)", setup="from __main__ import sum_up, add_up, t")

    This is pretty much inevitable - add_up doesn't have any function call overhead, it just does 3 binary adds. But the different forms have different uses - sum doesn't care how many items are given to it, whereas you have to write each name out with +. In an example with a fixed number of items, where speed is crucial, + has the edge, but for almost all general cases sum is the way to go.

    With Decimals:

    >>> t = tuple(map(Decimal, t))
    >>> a = Decimal(1)
    >>> b = Decimal(2)
    >>> c = Decimal(3)
    >>> d = Decimal(4)
    >>> timeit.timeit("add_up(a, b, c, d)", setup="from __main__ import sum_up, add_up, t, a, b, c, d")
    >>> timeit.timeit("sum_up(t)", setup="from __main__ import sum_up, add_up, t, a, b, c, d")