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Multiple Inputs in BPEL Process

I just started developing BPEL a few weeks ago, and I use Eclipse Designer and Apache ODE. I have a use case where the user needs to insert multiple inputs but instead of editing the schema for the first receive input, I require that the user first inputs a number, than I process and after the reply I need the user to make another input, is this at all possible in BPEL since I need to stop the process to receive another input.

Also I have found in the ODE documentation that BPEL does not support array variables, does it mean that from BPEL I cannot return an array object (



  • BPEL supports any XSD datatypes and constructs, thus you can model array-style variable with xsd sequences. Standard BPEL however is not good at inserting values into such an array. The standard compliant way is to use a XSLT script that adds a value to the array. But most BPEL engines provide XPath extensions (like the one you mentioned) that makes that easier.