I have about 640 text lines of different length that can be viewed both as a list in a data grid and in a one-line view. In one-line view I'd like to resize the font size of the text line so that it
fits completely in the text field
has maximum point size 24 and minimum point size 10 (I have set the custom properties for that in the text filed).
I'm using the following code in the one-line view card:
on resizeText
## Check if the text fits in the field
put the textSize of fld "foneline" into tTextSize
if the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" > the height of fld "foneline" then
## Make the text smaller until it fits
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" <= the height of fld "foneline"
subtract 1 from tTextSize
## Check that the text size is not less that the minimum size
if tTextSize >= the cMinimumTextSize of fld "foneline" then
set the textSize of fld "foneline" to tTextSize
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
else if the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" < the height of fld "foneline" then
## Make the text as large as possible
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" >= the height of fld "foneline"
add 1 to tTextSize
## Check that the text size is not bigger that the maximum size
if tTextSize<= the cMaximumTextSize of fld "foneline" then
set the textSize of fld "foneline" to tTextSize
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
end resizeText
and the resizeText command in the code for Previous and Next buttons on that card.
There is however some glitch or fault in the code that shows up which I hope you can replicate by following these steps:
open the stack
click on "Select All" button
click on "Lines" button
click on "Next" button until you see line No. 6 (it's visible in its full length).
click on "Next" button again and you'll see line 7 but the line is not fully visible (you'll see that the closing quotation mark " is not there)
click on "Next" button and then on "Previous" button - this will take you back to the line 7 which now is visible in its full length!
now click on "Previous" button and line 6 is visible but this time not in its full length
Click on "Previous" and again on "Next" and now the line 6 is in its full length
click on "Next" and line 7 is again not visible completely.
If you are not able to replicate this with the line numbers mentioned above try to continue clicking on the "Next" button until you come across a line that is missing the end " quotation mark which indicates that the line is cut off. Then follow the same procedure of clicking on "Previous" and "Next" buttons as above. It may sound complicated but once you open the stack it's simple to find out the faulty behaviour. Similar is the case with lines: 83-84-85; 48-49; 51-52. The link to my stack is DG-only-1.16_cut-off-lines.zip
How to correct the code so that it always shows each line without cutting off the end of it?
In your 'resizeText' handler: if the formatted height is smaller than the field, then you resize the text larger until it's >= the formattedHeight. This means that the loop sometimes stops when it's height is greater than required. By adding a final height check when the font size is increased, we can avoid this;
on resizeText
## Check if the text fits in the field
put the textSize of fld "foneline" into tTextSize
put the height of fld "foneline" into tHeight
if the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" > tHeight then
## Make the text smaller until it fits
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" <= tHeight
subtract 1 from tTextSize
## Check that the text size is not less that the minimum size
if tTextSize >= the cMinimumTextSize of fld "foneline" then
set the textSize of fld "foneline" to tTextSize
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
else if the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" < tHeight then
## Make the text as large as possible
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" >= tHeight
add 1 to tTextSize
## Check that the text size is not bigger that the maximum size
if tTextSize<= the cMaximumTextSize of fld "foneline" then
set the textSize of fld "foneline" to tTextSize
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
# check the final field height
if the formattedHeight of fld "foneline" > tHeight then
subtract 1 from tTextSize
set the textSize of fld "foneline" to tTextSize
end if
end if
end resizeText