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wix installer ice03 Invalid Language Id

I have a night build which runs on different machine then mine
on my machine i can compile the installer and use the msi without a problem
however on the night build machine i get

C:\Builds\73\Tools\AppInstaller\src\AppInstaller\APPExportReleaseDir.wxs (693): ICE03: Invalid Language Id; Table: File, Column: Language, Key(s): filAAED19CB2C0BBE304CDB8EB1AAF7473F

The file which is showing that is

Can you please explain what are ICE03 errors and how can I fix this ?

It says here to remove the Language or set it to "0" but there is no explanation.


  • Do you really even need to include that file in your MSI? Typically xml files with the name of the assembly are just useful to developers as SDK documentation and doesn't belong in a shipped product.

    For that matter, did you even author the wxs or are you using some form of dynamic authoring at build time? If so, add this to my list of reasons of why this is an anti-pattern. (Don't worry, almost no one else wants to believe me either. )

    For more information on ICE's ( basically unit tests ) see:

    MSI Tip: Authoring an ICE using C# / DTF