I want to show a NSCollectionView inside a NSTableCellView. I have it setup correctly, and it works for the most part, but the collectionView's scrollview doesn't seem to resize properly against the NSTableCellView, even though I have auto-layout constraints setup for this.
Is there anything I can do to setup constraints in a way that the scrollview resizes against the NSTableCellView (which should also let the collectionView also resize itself)?
To elaborate, what I really want to do is have the collectionView expand and resize as the window is resized, and have it take up the same width as the tableViewCell, and depending on the number of items in the collection view, resize the height of the outlineView & hence determine the height of the outlineView's row. It works fine when the collectionView is part of an ordinary view, but I can't get it to resize itself inside a NSTableCellView.
Firstly, remove all of the constraints you've set for your collectionview/scrollview.
Now, you will need to make 4 constraints, one for each of the leading, trailing, top and bottom space from the scrollview to its superview. Make sure width and height are not constrained. I've done this in a recent app I've made and it worked rather well.
EDIT: Below in the comments we figured out the column wasn't resizing so the constraints were correctly set.