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RuntimeException SplFileInfo::getSize(): stat failed for... Laravel 4 upload image

I work with laravel 4 (last update), I create a form where we could upload an image (logo/avatar). I am on MAC OS, I use sublime Text 3, laravel and MAMP Applications. All my configuration is setting right, no running problems.

My probleme is that I have this error when I submit the reaching fields from my form: RuntimeException SplFileInfo::getSize(): stat failed for /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php/phpRUJfMX

Here's the code from my form nameOfTheForm.blade.php:

Name Of My Project - EditProfile

{{Form::open(array('url'=>'uploadAvatar','files' => true))}}

{{Form::label('pseudo','pseudo (*): ')}}
@if ($errors->has('pseudo'))
<p class='error'> {{ $errors->first('pseudo')}}</p>

{{Form::label('url_Avatar','Avatar: ')}}
@if ($errors->has('url_Avatar'))
<p class='error'> {{ $errors->first('url_Avatar')}}</p>

{{Form::submit('Validate your avatar')}}


Here's the code from my controller:

public function uploadAvatar() {

//*****UPLOAD FILE (on server it's an image, on the DB it's an url*****
  $file = Input::File('url_Avatar');

  //set a register path to the uploaded file
  $destinationPath = public_path().'/upload/';

  //have client extension loaded file and set a random name to the uploaded file, produce a random string of length 32 made up of alphanumeric characters [a-zA-z0-9]

  $filename = $destinationPath . '' . str_random(32) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();

  $uploaded = Input::File('url_Avatar')->move($destinationPath,$filename);

  $inputs = Input::all();
  $rules = array(
    'pseudo' => 'required|between:1,64|unique:profile,pseudo',
    //urlAvatar is an url in database but we register as an image on the server
    'url_Avatar' => 'required|image|min:1',

The uploaded file code works perfect, I register the file in the selected folder I want. I Have no problem with my routes (no need to show this part of the code).

But When I submit the form, I have this error: RuntimeException SplFileInfo::getSize(): stat failed for /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php/phpRUJfMX

error info details: open:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/nameOfMyProject/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Validation/Validator.php

    elseif (is_array($value))
        return count($value);
    elseif ($value instanceof File)
        return $value->getSize() / 1024;

It seems, that Laravel needs (stat - Gives information about a file), that is to say, needs to have the informations from the uploaded file, here the size, but I try this in my controller just before the line where here's $uploaded where I move the file in my selected folder:

//I add this line code before
$size= $file->getSize();

But, when I did that, I have another error: the validator doesn't r**ecognize the files as an image** et ask me to upload a valid format. I think I need to correct the first errors I had (SplFileInfo::getSize())

If you have any ideas... Thank you.


  • Short version: Laravel's Symphony source returns file size of 0 if the file size is larger than php.ini's upload_max_filesize.

    Recommend checking your php.ini file. I'm not sure how MAMP handles php.ini but it's there if you're running Laravel. In php.ini, the upload_max_filesize may be smaller than the file you're attempting to upload. That value happened to be defaulted on my Ubuntu 12.10 VM to 2megs.



    and check the getMaxFilesize(). By default, this method grabs the upload_max_filesize value from your PHP.ini file on your host system.

    The interesting thing about this is that if you do

    $foo = Input::file('uploaded_file') 


    use Laravel's die&dump dd($foo), then a file that's larger than php.ini's upload_max_filesize returns a size of 0.

    In addition to upload_max_filesize, PHP docs also mention checking php.ini so that:

    - post_max_size must be larger than upload_max_filesize
    - memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size