I have an Activity
with ViewPager
for each page of my ViewPager
has a fragment
, and in each fragment
realize an http request
(using Volley
) to load the data from the page, but when the request ends in error, type timeout or lost connection, I need to display a dialog with the option to redo the call to the server, the problem to prevent multiple dialogs are open for each error is resolved with the snippet:
See this solution here: http://www.jorgecoca.com/android-quick-tip-avoid-opening-multiple-dialogs-when-tapping-an-element/
public void show(FragmentManager manager, String tag) {
if (manager.findFragmentByTag(tag) == null) {
super.show(manager, tag);
When the user clicks the dialog button
to try again, and the dialog closed and taken to check if there is internet connection, if I'm not, the dialog should be opened again, but the dialog is not displayed again, I believe that the tag does not was released to FragmentManager
Code in Activity
final Button mButton = ( Button ) this.findViewById( R.id.btn_opendialog );
final DialogFragmentHelper mDialog = new DialogFragmentHelper();
mDialog.setCallbackListener( new OnCallback() {
public void onCancel() {
public void onConfirm() {
// verify if network available
mDialog.show( MainActivity.this.getSupportFragmentManager(), DialogFragmentHelper.DIALOG_TAG );
} );
mButton.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( final View v ) {
mDialog.show( MainActivity.this.getSupportFragmentManager(), DialogFragmentHelper.DIALOG_TAG );
} );
Would someone have a suggestion of a workaround?
In order to maintain the structure that is ready in my project, and also keep something closer to my goal, which is to use no flags, nor pass control of a third dialogfragment to manage, arrived at a solution that'll take an hour as a result.
DialogFragmentHelper mDialog = new DialogFragmentHelper();
mDialog.setCallbackListener( new OnCallback() {
public void onCancel() {}
public void onConfirm() {
if(networkAvailable == false){
new Handler().post( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mDialog.show( MainActivity.this.getSupportFragmentManager(), DialogFragmentHelper.DIALOG_TAG );
} );
}else {
//do something here
} );
this way I guarantee that while several requests are sent to open the dialogfragment, only the first is executed, and closing the dialogfragment, I can quickly open it again if needed, as can happen in the scenario I'm working.