I'm using the gdata
Python library to do batched deletes of contacts, and I just get the "If-Match or If-None-Match header or entry etag attribute required" error.
I think the problem started when I had to enable the Contacts API in the console (which until a few days ago wasn't required? *).
It's actually failing for both updating and deleting operations. Batched insert works fine.
Tried specifying the If-Match
header, but it's still failing:
custom_headers = atom.client.CustomHeaders(**{'If-Match': '*'})
request_feed = gdata.contacts.data.ContactsFeed()
request_feed.AddDelete(entry=contact, batch_id_string='delete')
response_feed = self.gd_client.ExecuteBatch(
Also created a ticket on the project page, but I doubt it will get any attention there.
Using the Batch
method with force=True
(which just adds the If-Match: *
header) is the same result.
response_feed = self.gd_client.Batch(
* Can someone verify this? I never had to enable it in the console before and my app was able to use the Contacts API without problem, and I believe it wasn't even available before. I was surprised to see it yesterday.
Copying answer from the Google code ticket.
Basically, you need to patch the client's Post
method to modify the request feed slightly. Here's one way to do it without directly modifying the library source:
def patched_post(client, entry, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, **kwargs):
if converter is None and desired_class is None:
desired_class = entry.__class__
http_request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest()
entry_string = entry.to_string(gdata.client.get_xml_version(client.api_version))
entry_string = entry_string.replace('ns1', 'gd') # where the magic happens
return client.request(method='POST', uri=uri, auth_token=auth_token,
http_request=http_request, converter=converter,
desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs)
# when it comes time to do a batched delete/update,
# instead of calling client.ExecuteBatch, instead directly call patched_post
patched_post(client_instance, entry_feed, 'https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/batch')