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Spring Integration 4 asynchronous request/response

I am trying to write a simple message flow using Spring Integration v4's DSL APIs which would look like this:

       -> -> Processing -> JmsGatewayOut -> JMS_OUT_QUEUE
       <- <- Processing <- JmsGatewayIn <- JMS_IN_QUEUE

With the request/response being asynchronous, when I inject a message via the initial Gateway, the message goes all the way to JMS_OUT_QUEUE. Beyond this message flow, a reply message is put back into JMS_IN_QUEUE which it is then picked up by JmsGatewayIn. At this point, the message is Processed and placed into (I know the response gets to because I have a logger interceptor there which logs the message being placed there) but, the Gateway never receives the response.

Instead of a response, the system outside of this message flow which picked up the message from JMS_OUT_QUEUE and placed the response in JMS_IN_QUEUE, receives a javax.jms.MessageFormatException: MQJMS1061: Unable to deserialize object on its own JmsOutboundgateway (I think it is failing to deserialize a jms reply object from looking at the logs).

I have clearly not got something configured correctly but I don't know exactly what. Does anyone know what I am missing?

Working with spring-integration-core-4.0.3.RELEASE, spring-integration-jms-4.0.3.RELEASE, spring-integration-java-dsl-1.0.0.M2, spring-jms-4.0.6.RELEASE.

My Gateway is configured as follows:

public interface WsGateway {

    @Gateway(requestChannel = "", replyChannel = "", 
        replyTimeout = 45000)
    AResponse process(ARequest request);

My Integration flow is configured as follows:

public class IntegrationConfig {

    @Bean(name = "")
    public DirectChannel inCh() {
        return new DirectChannel();

    @Bean(name = "")
    public DirectChannel outCh() {
        return new DirectChannel();

    private MQQueueConnectionFactory mqConnectionFactory;

    public IntegrationFlow requestFlow() {

        return IntegrationFlows.from("")
                .handle("processor", "processARequest")

    public IntegrationFlow responseFlow() {

        return IntegrationFlows.from(Jms.inboundGateway(mqConnectionFactory)
                .handle("processor", "processAResponse")

Thanks for any help on this, PM.


  • First of all your configuration is bad:

    1. Since you start the flow from WsGateway#process you really should wait reply there. The gateway's request/reply capability is based on TemporaryReplyChannel, which is placed to the headers as non-serializable value.

    2. As long as you wait rely on that gateway, actually there is no reason to provide the replyChannel, if you aren't going to do some publish-subscribe logic on the reply.

    3. As you send message to the JMS queue, you should understand that consumer part might be a separete remote application. And the last one might know nothing about your

    4. The JMS request/reply capability is really based on JMSCorrelationID, but it isn't enough. The one more thing here is a ReplyTo JMS header. Hence, if you are going to send reply from the consumer you should really just rely on the JmsGatewayIn stuff.

    So I'd change your code to this:

    public interface WsGateway {
        @Gateway(requestChannel = "", replyTimeout = 45000)
        AResponse process(ARequest request);
    public class IntegrationConfig {
        @Bean(name = "")
        public DirectChannel inCh() {
            return new DirectChannel();
        private MQQueueConnectionFactory mqConnectionFactory;
        public IntegrationFlow requestFlow() {
            return IntegrationFlows.from("")
                    .handle("processor", "processARequest")
                    .handle("processor", "processAResponse")

    Let me know, if it is appropriate for you or try to explian why you use two-way gateways for one one-way cases. Maybe Jms.outboundAdapter() and Jms.inboundAdapter() are more good for you?


    How to use <header-channels-to-string> from Java DSL:

    .enrichHeaders(e -> e.headerChannelsToString())