Search code examples

Does Glass.Mapper.Sc uses index fields for a sitecore7 search

I my project I am using Sitecore7 MVC, Solr and Glass Mapper.

The "ContentSearch" index contains pretty much all the fields used in sitecore template. I am using GlassMapper classes as my Models (which contains pretty much nothing but properties that are sitecore fields) and querying on it. Basically doing "Using A Custom Result Class" as described here :

Which works as it is supposed to.

My question is:

Is it populating the class properties ( which are typically sitecore fields ) using Solr index as long as the index exists (which is what I want) ?


Is it going to sitecore to get the Field Values ? (which I would think is inefficient and in which case I will write custom classes and loop over them to populate glassMapper classes because in my views I have used GlassMapper classes as my models)

For example one of my Models looks like this:

    public class MyAwesomeModel
        public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }

        public virtual string Language { get; set; }

        public virtual ItemUri Uri { get; set; }

        public virtual int Version
                return Uri == null ? 0 : Uri.Version.Number;

        public virtual string RichTextContent { get; set; }

        [SitecoreInfo(SitecoreInfoType.Url, UrlOptions = SitecoreInfoUrlOptions.LanguageEmbeddingNever)]
        public virtual string Url { get; set; }


  • I actually just pushed some code to my Fork of Glass.Mapper that does right that: (in the develop branch)

    You have to patch your config, so you'll use glass specific contentsearch settings:

    <configuration xmlns:patch="">
            <defaultLuceneIndexConfiguration type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.LuceneIndexConfiguration, Sitecore.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider">
                <objectFactory type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.DefaultDocumentMapperObjectFactory, Sitecore.ContentSearch">
                  <patch:attribute name="type">Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.GlassDocumentMapperObjectFactory, Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider</patch:attribute>
          <configuration type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchConfiguration, Sitecore.ContentSearch">
            <indexes hint="list:AddIndex">
              <index id="sitecore_master_index">
                <patch:attribute name="type">Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.GlassLuceneIndex, Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider</patch:attribute>
              <index id="sitecore_web_index">
                <patch:attribute name="type">Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.GlassLuceneIndex, Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider</patch:attribute>
              <index id="sitecore_core_index">
                <patch:attribute name="type">Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider.GlassLuceneIndex, Glass.Mapper.Sc.ContentSearch.LuceneProvider</patch:attribute>

    The code first returns values from the index, if they are stored there. If a property is requested that is not stored in the index, it will get the value from the Sitecore item