I need to author and maintain multilingual technical documentation, where each document is made up of some "standard" portions and some specific to the product (industrial equipments): standard portions could be warnings, quotes from laws or regulations, common sentences, or the like.
Each "portion" (i.e. a sentence, a paragraph, an image with its caption, an annotation or a paragraph with an icon) is translated in 13 languages, and each translation should be versioned and completed with references to the author.
Hence each document would result as a "composition" of those portions: a language-specific instance of the document is one using the portions in that specific translation.
Is there any specific technology, standards, or tools for doing that?
The standard is Dita and being it essentially XML-based there is plenty of tools to work with, both standalone XML editors (OxygenXML, XMetal XML, Adobe Framemaker, for full reference: maintained list of editors) and extensions to well-known CMS (Drupal, Joomla) and ECM (Alfresco, MS Sharepoint already have; other like Nuxeo can handle by configuring the XML grammar according to the DITA specs).