this is an array of objects that i want to alphabetize:
var streets:Array = new Array();
streets.push({name:"Alexandre de Sève"});
streets.push({name:"Van Horne"});
now i'll sort my array:
streets.sortOn("name", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
Alexandre de Sève
Van Horne
the accent above the E in Édouard-Montpetit, and any other first letter with a non-english accent is sorted after Z.
any ideas how i can sort this correctly? i do not have access to the named data.
I know this is late, but for anyone going through this answer, you could pass a Collator object to the Array.sort() method. A simple example from the documentation:
var words:Array = new Array("coté", "côte");
var sorter:Collator = new Collator("fr-FR", CollatorMode.SORTING);
trace(words);// côte,coté
Hope this helps