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Android-eye example Couldn't load Mp3Encoder error

Hi i am trying to stream video to http webpage, I have tried the following applications source code Android-eye project and im getting the following error.

03-23 17:12:47.672: E/AndroidRuntime(27063): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load mp3encoder from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=/data/app/teaonly.droideye-1.apk,libraryPath=/data/app-lib/teaonly.droideye-1]: findLibrary returned null

Any help would be gratefully appreciated..

If anyone can suggest a tutorial for streaming live camera android video to VLC or webpage that would be great .



  • I resolved this issue by rebuild the JNI code for all those beginners like me who are not NDK friendly,

    All you need to install the NDK from below URL:

    Please make sure that you have set the environment variables like

        NDK_HOME -- \android-ndk-r9 {directory must contain `ndk-build` file}
        Path -- %NDK_HOME%

    open the command prompt go to the directory where JNI code exist, mine under the below path

        cd C:{rootpath}\android-eye-master\jni

    Then refresh your android project in eclipse and run as Android Application.