We've noticed that when checking in updates, our .DFM
files have added ExplicitWidth
and ExplicitHeight
properties - but we don't know why.
My questions are:
Below is an example showing the added ExplicitWidth
object Splitter2: TcxSplitter
Left = 0
Top = 292
Width = 566
Height = 8
Cursor = crVSplit
HotZoneClassName = 'TcxXPTaskBarStyle'
AlignSplitter = salBottom
Control = BottomPanel
Color = clBtnFace
ExplicitWidth = 8
From Googling....
Original article can be found here.
The Explicit properties remember the previous bounds of a control before the Align or Anchor properties are changed from their defaults.
The only time the Explicit properties are not written is when the Align property is set back to its default value of alNone.
This is when the Explicit properties are actually used by the control to reset its bounds to what it was previously.