I am trying to create a shell extension context menu and icon overlay. I have successfully registered and seen a context menu show up when right clicking and the menu clicks are correctly responding to the code when running the program through Python.
My issue is when I try to compile the Python code to an executable with cx_Freeze or py2exe. It builds the executable and running the executable creates a registry entry, but no menu shows up when right clicking after restarting explorer.exe.
I thought cx_Freeze or py2exe would be able to register the context menu or overlay and have it talk to the code within the exe. Do I need to make a dll file? I am not very familiar with com servers so anyone who has experience with shell extensions would be greatly appreciated.
I have more details if requested/needed.
I was able to get the context menu registered through a dll following the steps in this link. I ended up using py2exe for 2.7 and I am not sure if the setup they used is what fixed it or if I needed to use regsvr32 when registering the dll instead of the self registry executable. I also used a patched py2exe that is in the answer of the link
Link: Com server build using Python on 64-bit Windows 7 machine