I'm translating messages using Bing Translator and sending the results via SMS text message. The resulting strings often contain non-English characters, e.g. Korean, Japanese, Greek.
I am using the Clickatell SMS Gateway and according to the Clickatell spec here: http://www.clickatell.com/downloads/http/Clickatell_HTTP.pdf ...I think I should encode my strings in two-byte Unicode, hex-encoded.
For example, the Greek characters:
After conversion should become:
Which is then added to the querystring in my HTTP get request.
My issue however is finding the syntax to to this succinctly in my Ruby on Rails app.
I like fun ones like these. :) Try this:
input.codepoints.map { |c| "%04X" % c }.join
What I see:
[1] pry(main)> x = "\u03A9\u03A8\u0398"
=> "ΩΨΘ"
[2] pry(main)> x.codepoints.map { |c| "%04X" % c }.join
=> "03A903A80398"