I have the following code, which loops through the documents in TestView1, and for each document in that view loops through the documents in TestView2, performing some action (outputs to a file).
For the sake of keeping the loops relatively timely (there's heaps of older documents and I only want those time stamped from today or an upcoming date), I have found the first document for the current date, and stored its UNID so that that document can act as a starting position for the inner loop (the documents in MyView2 are in chronological order).
The inner loop runs correctly the first time, but come the second loop, I get the error message "The document is not in view TestView2". I have added what line breaks my code.
Here is my code:
Dim sess As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim rDoc As NotesDocument
Dim mDoc As NotesDocument
Dim rView As NotesView
Dim mView As NotesView
Dim unid As String
Dim todayDateTime As New NotesDateTime("Today")
Set db = sess.currentDatabase
Set rView = db.GetView("TestView1")
Set rDoc = rView.GetFirstDocument
Set mView = db.GetView("TestView2")
Set mDoc = mView.GetFirstDocument
Set mDoc = mView.GetFirstDocumentb 'Finds the UNID of the first document of the day
Do While Not (mDoc Is Nothing)
Dim startDate As New NotesDateTime(mDoc.startDate(0))
If startDate.DateOnly = todayDateTime.DateOnly Then
unid$ = mDoc.UniversalID
Exit Do
End If
Set mDoc = mView.GetNextDocument(mDoc)
While Not (rDoc Is Nothing) 'Outer Loop
If rDoc.Site(0) = "SAMPLE" Then
If Not unid$ = "" Then
Set mDoc = db.Getdocumentbyunid(unid$)
While Not (mDoc Is Nothing) 'Inner Loop
If mDoc.ResourceName(0) = rName$ Then
End If
Set mDoc = mView.GetNextDocument(mDoc) <--- This line here breaks the code**
End If
End If
Set rDoc = rView.GetNextDocument(rDoc)
Would appreciate any help.
There is a more efficient approach: categorize your mView by ResourceName + StartDate and use mView.getDocumentByKey(keys, true)
to access the first relevant document in mView:
to mViewStartDate
to mViewDim sess As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim rDoc As NotesDocument
Dim mDoc As NotesDocument
Dim rView As NotesView
Dim mView As NotesView
Dim rName As String
Dim keys(1) As Variant
Set db = sess.currentDatabase
Set rView = db.GetView("TestView1")
Set rDoc = rView.GetFirstDocument
Set mView = db.GetView("TestView2")
While Not (rDoc Is Nothing)
If rDoc.Site(0) = "SAMPLE" Then
rName = rDoc.ResourceName(0)
' <CODE>
keys(0) = rName
keys(1) = Today
Set mDoc = mView.GetdocumentbyKey(keys, true)
While Not (mDoc Is Nothing)
If mDoc.ResourceName(0) = rName Then
' <Print To FILE CODE>
Set mDoc = mView.GetNextDocument(mDoc)
Set mDoc = Nothing
End if
End If
Set rDoc = rView.GetNextDocument(rDoc)