I'm using UIPopoverController tho show a view, in that view I have a UIPickerView, when a use presentPopoverFromRect , the PopOverControll Shows in the x and y correct position but not resizes the control. This viewController is a separated .swift file.
var buttonCenter: CGPoint = BtCheque.center;
var rect:CGRect = CGRectMake(buttonCenter.x, 1, 120, 90);
_colorPickerPopover.presentPopoverFromRect(rect, inView: self.view , permittedArrowDirections: UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up, animated: true);
The UIPickerView has the correct size, but the popUp doesn't.
This is the result:
I believe you misunderstood how presentPopoverFromRect
works, it specify rectangle from which your popover will show itself, this is not rectangle of your popover.
For example if you have a button with frame (10, 10, 100, 30) and after you press this button you want to show popover, this is the recommended frame you should pass to presentPopoverFromRect
, not popover frame.
To specify size of your popover use popoverContentSize
property for your _colorPickerPopover
You can also set preferredContentSize
in, for example, viewDidLoad
method in your popover subclass.