Is it somehow possible with Sweave to define a Latex-command and pass the results from a chunk as parameter?
Basically I want to create something like in this example:
\newcommand{\myCommand} [1] {
<<fig=TRUE, results=hide>>
The output of a plot chunk is an includegraphics command in resulting .tex file :
So your new command should work (with corrected syntax here) : when the chunk is evaluated, the includegraphics is wrote to the .tex file. After this step, the latex code is evaluated, with all your commands and options.
\newcommand{\myCommand} [1] {
UPDATE This solution works only with knitr :
Rscript -e "library(knitr);knit('myFile.Rnw')"
Or to produce a pdf :
Rscript -e "library(knitr);knit2pdf('myFile.Rnw')"
With Rstudio, please read this : Weaving .Rnw using rstudio