I have one solr collection called document.
In that there are fields like
id,name,associated_folder,is_associate & other
The field is_associate depends on associated_folder.
I am importing data using Data Import provided in Solr Dashboard
My problem is that Stored Procudeure which returns data like :
# id name associated_folder is_associate
1 DOC1 DOCNAME 1001,1002,1003 true
2 DOC2 DOCNAME 4001,4002,4003 true
3 DOC3 DOCNAME -1 false
& in my schema file associated_folder declare like :
<field name="associated_folder" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" omitNorms="true" termVectors="false" termPositions="false" termOffsets="false" default="-1"/>
field type is int for associated_folder & SP returns the comma separated String value for associated folder id & it is better for me to make one SP call & set information for Document as performance concern.
I don't want to make extra stored procedure call for get associated_folder/is_associate
Is there any way using which I can import all fields using single SP with existing schema ?
Thanks for looking here..!
In your import configuration for the Data Import Handler, you can add transformer="RegexTransformer"
to your <entity>
definition, and then use splitBy=","
on the field to split it into multiple values.
<entity name="foo" transformer="RegexTransformer" .... >
<field column="associated_folder" splitBy="," />
See the documentation for RegexTransformer.