In my products table I have 14 products, and for every product I need a row for every state in the US. I'm trying to accomplish this by the following:
begin tran
declare @state varchar(2),
@productId int
declare stateCursor CURSOR FOR
select distinct [State]
from lookUpAreaFactor
declare productCursor CURSOR FOR
select distinct productid
from Product
open stateCursor
open productCursor
FETCH NEXT from stateCursor into @state
fetch next from productCursor into @productId
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
insert into ProductToState (ProductID,[State]) values (@productId,@state)
fetch next from productCursor into @productId
fetch next from stateCursor into @state
close stateCursor
close productCursor
select * from producttostate
It's bombing out after the first product - but it isn't even inserting a row for all 50 states. I could use another pair of eyes - What am I doing wrong here?
Why are you using cursors for something that is a set-based operation?
I think this query does what you want:
insert into ProductToState(ProductID, [State])
select ProductId, State
from (select distinct [State] from lookUpAreaFactor) s cross join
(select distinct ProductId from Product) p;