How can i streaming video from youtube in my application. I have tried but not only black screen appear so help me to play video from youtube in movieplayer.
I think the only official way is to make it play inside a UIWebView.
However there is a project called XCDYouTubeKit that, I think, will do exactly what you want:
That's allows you to make a youtube view play in a specific frame, that's maybe what your looking for.
example of use:
NSString *videoIdentifier = @"EdeVaT-zZt4"; // A 11 characters YouTube video identifier
[[XCDYouTubeClient defaultClient] getVideoWithIdentifier:videoIdentifier completionHandler:^(XCDYouTubeVideo *video, NSError *error) {
if (video)
// Do something with the `video` object
// Handle error
Documentation is available here:
Good luck