I'm using the folling .cmd to get the values returned by one sql sentence.
@echo off
SET SQLCMD="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe"
for %%f in (%SQLCMD%) do set alternatepath=%%~sf
SET EXEC_LINE=%alternatepath% -S %SERVER% -d SkpMaster -h-1 -Q "set nocount on; select distinct id from sometable "
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`%EXEC_LINE%`) do (
set count=%%i
echo %count%
if not defined count (
echo Failed to execute SQL statement 1>&2
The SQL return 4 occurrences, but the echo print 4 times the 1º ocurrence.
Maybe I'm not using correctly the "delims=" option, I have also tested with "tokens=*" with the same result. Any idea?
Fixed after handle the parameter %%i in a different way.
@echo off
SET SQLCMD="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe"
for %%f in (%SQLCMD%) do set alternatepath=%%~sf
SET EXEC_LINE=%alternatepath% -S %SERVER% -d SkpMaster -h-1 -Q "set nocount on; select distinct id from sometable "
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`%EXEC_LINE%`) do call :processline %%i
if not defined count (
echo Failed to execute SQL statement 1>&2
goto :eof
echo line=%*
goto :eof