i want select images and video from sqlite database here i implement my query but it gives me wrong result my current date is 2014-07-15 but it provide me the 2014-07-25 date result which is wrong.
My Query :
FROM myfiles
WHERE (( Date('2014-07-15') >= startdate
AND Date('2014-07-15') <= enddate )
AND ( strftime('%H:%M:%S', starttime) >= '02:09:50'
OR '02:09:50' <= strftime('%H:%M:%S', endtime ))
AND ( strftime('%H:%M:%S',timer_from) >= '02:09:50'
OR '02:09:50' <= strftime('%H:%M:%S',timer_to ))
OR ( strftime('%H:%M:%S',timer_from) = '00:00:00'
OR '00:00:00' = strftime('%H:%M:%S',timer_to )))
AND ( Tuesday = 1 OR Everyday = 1)
AND download = 1
AND playlist_id = 65
AND user_id='265'
ORDER BY position_id ASC, subposition_id ASC
-> link for download this image
Mysqlite Original database image
after executing query execute query image
Following part evaluates the whole check to true
even if the date is invalid:
OR ( strftime('%H:%M:%S',timer_from) = '00:00:00' OR '00:00:00' = strftime('%H:%M:%S',timer_to ))
That is, there's no surprise that the result contains marked row (its timer_from = '00:00:00'
and timer_to = '00:00:00'
Try to change OR
to AND
in the aforementioned query part.
Update 2
Add following check to the end of your query before ORDER BY position_id ASC, subposition_id ASC
and after AND user_id='265'
AND (Date('2014-07-25') > startdate)