Is there any way to run script (Pig, shell) in response to error occurrence? I mean: I create workflow in Oozie (Workflow Manager) and one of task fail and call error, and if this error occur i want to run specific script or another task. I want provide some kind of error handling:
I will be gratefull for your help.
For Error handling you can use Decision nodes. For example:
<action name="Action1">
<ok to="NextAction"/>
<error to="ErrorhandlingDecision"/>
<decision name="ErrorhandlingDecision">
<case to="CorrectError1Node">
${wf:errorCode("SourceActionNodeName") eq "JA018"}
<case to="CorrectError2Node">
${errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode()) eq "Error Msg Received"}
<default to="NextAction"/>
All you need to catch the Error code or error message.
Note: Expression Lang (EL) support following operation
one of ["}", ".", ">", "gt", "<", "lt", "==", "eq", "<=", "le", ">=", "ge", "!=", "ne", "[", "+", "-", "*", "/", "div", "%", "mod", "and", "&&", "or", "||", "?"]
Hope this help.