I have dictionary "a Dictionary(#DOB->Date #Name->String #Salary->Number )"
. I need to create a string which should be str:= "DOB Date,Name String,Salary Number"
. I tried using keysAndValuesDo
: but couldn't concatenate them correctly.
You can do it in a nice way like this:
(dict associations collect: [ :assoc |
assoc key asString, ' ', assoc value asString ])
joinUsing: $,
if you want to use #do: and streams, you can go this way:
dict associations
do: [ :assoc |
nextPutAll: assoc key asString;
nextPutAll: assoc value asString ]
separatedBy: [ aStream nextPut: $, ]
please note that in case you want to delegate printing to the object itself and not convert it to string and put in on the stream manually, you can use:
print: assoc key;
method of a stream sends #printOn:
to the parameter. #printOn:
is the defat method you have to override to make your object properly printable on a stream. #asString
uses #printOn:
for a lot of objects.