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How to use jUnit's TemporaryFolder in scala's specs2 tests?

I'm writing a test with Playframework, and I need to create a temporary file.

class DiagnosticSpec extends Specification {
  val temporaryFolder: TemporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder()

  "my test" should {
     "run with temporary file" in {
        val file = temporaryFolder.newFile()   // line.35
        // go on with the file

But when I run this test, it always throw exception:

[error]     IllegalStateException: the temporary folder has not yet been created (MyTest.scala:35)

Is it possible to use it in specs2? If not, how can I create a temporary file in specs2, and delete it automatically after testing?


  • You cannot use JUnit rules with specs2 to do setup/teardown. You need to use AroundExample or FixtureExample for that:

    trait TempFile extends AroundExample {
      // this code is executed "around" each example
      def around[R : AsResult](r: =>Result) = 
        val f = createFile("test")
        try AsResult(r)
        finally f.delete
    class MySpec extends Specification with TempFile {
      "test" >> {
        // use the file here
        val file = new File("test")
    // Or
    trait TempFile extends FixtureExample[File] {
      // this code is executed "around" each example
      def fixture[R : AsResult](f: File => R) = 
        val f = createFile("test")
        try AsResult(f(r))
        finally f.delete
    class MySpec extends Specification with TempFile {
      // the file can be "injected" for each test
      "test" >> { file: File =>
        // use the file here


    The TemporaryFolder trait is closer to the original JUnit rule:

    trait TemporaryFolder extends Specification {
      /** delete the temporary directory at the end of the specification */
      override def map(fs: => Fragments): Fragments = {
      lazy val tempDir = {
        val dir = File.createTempFile("test", "")
      /** create a new file in the temp directory */
      def createNewFile = {
        val f = new File(tempDir.getPath+"/"+UUID.randomUUID.toString)
      /** delete each file in the directory and the directory itself */
      def delete = {
    class MySpec extends Specification with TemporaryFolder {
      "test" >> {
        // use the file here
        val file = createNewFile