Is there any way to save the draw image from tree.draw() to an image file programmatically? I tried looking through the documentation, but I couldn't find anything.
I had exactly the same need, and looking into the source code of nltk.draw.tree
I found a solution:
from nltk import Tree
from nltk.draw.util import CanvasFrame
from nltk.draw import TreeWidget
cf = CanvasFrame()
t = Tree.fromstring('(S (NP this tree) (VP (V is) (AdjP pretty)))')
tc = TreeWidget(cf.canvas(),t)
cf.add_widget(tc,10,10) # (10,10) offsets
The output file is a postscript, and you can convert it to an image file using ImageMagick on terminal:
$ convert tree.png
I think this is a quick and dirty solution; it could be inefficient in that it displays the canvas and destroys it later (perhaps there is an option to disable display, which I couldn't find). Please let me know if there is any better way.