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IBOutlet is NIL when using Forward Declarations to call a class?

I have been having huge issues with this, so I drew a diagram...

alt text

I successfully get to the CLASS A - METHOD B but at that point, IBOutlet Z is Nil? :( Any ideas?

note Somebody told me it might be an Overrelease and to use NSZombieEnabled but that confused me


  • It's all a matter of when you call the class. Right after you create a view controller with initWithNibName, nothing is actually wired up yet - it's only after the view is created that IBOutlets are created and wired in.

    One trick is that you can simply ask the view controller for .view, like so:


    Then the view will be created and the IBOutlet will exist. A better method though, is to create properties on the view controller that you set, and then either in viewDidLoad, or in viewWillAppear you use those properties to set values for your outlets.