I'm trying to query the Wordpress Posts and PostMeta tables. Due to Wordpress's "Entity Attribute Value" design of its PostMeta table, it's difficult to query multiple meta values per single query. A correlated sub query is needed.
Here's my current SQL. I'm using the subquery to join the PostMeta table to itself via the Post_ID column, but the inner query is not recognizing the outer query's Post_ID column.
select p.id, p.post_date, tmp.product_name, pm.meta_value as provider_id
from wp_postmeta pm join wp_posts p on p.id=pm.post_id
join (
select post_id, meta_value as product_name from wp_postmeta
where meta_key = 'product_name' and post_id = pm.post_id
) tmp on tmp.post_id=p.id
where pm.meta_key='provider_id' and p.post_type='product_listing';
Sorry, I found the correlated subquery needs to go in the SELECT clause and not be used as a JOINed table.
select p.id, p.post_date, pm.meta_value as provider_id,
select meta_value from wp_postmeta
where meta_key = 'product_name' and post_id = pm.post_id
) as product_name
where pm.meta_key='provider_id' and p.post_type='product_listing';