We develop a number of plugins which are assembled into Eclipse RCP 3.X applications. We use a single target platform, which is based on P2 repositories because this is the only flavor supported by Tycho.
Our Internet access is quite restricted. We cannot access publicly available P2 repositories, even if we configure proxies. Therefore, we download P2 repositories zips and put them into source control so that they can be shared by the team and versioned. However, we think that having binary content under SCM is often a bad practice.
We are preparing to migrate from ClearCase to Git. While doing so, we are considering changing the way we manage our target platform for the better. We have thought about different scenarios but we lack experience to measure their pros and cons. Here are the first results of our reflections:
file needs to be versionedHow do you handle target platform versioning with Git in a closed corporate network? What do you think about the above scenarios and their respective pros and cons? Could you suggest other solutions?
Using Nexus and the Nexus Unzip Plugin, there is a very good solution that meets your needs of having a reproducible target platform and building independently of Internet access:
We have been very successfully using this setup in our corporate environment for quite a while now, so I would recommend that you also try out this approach.
This is similar to your solution 2, but using a different Nexus plugin. You don't need any of the plug-ins for explicit "p2 repository support" for the described solution. Also, you don't need to do any additional archiving of your target platform content.
Disclaimer: The Nexus Unzip Plugin is offered by the Tycho project, of which I am a committer.